

Following the high course of Tevere, the Sacred River in the ancient Rome, the Valtiberina unties between medieval citadels and spellbound panoramas.

It deserves a visit Anghiari, note for the renaissance buildings, the scenographical central square  and the ‘700 Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie.

In 5 minutes of auto you arrive to Sansepolcro, active town at the confinements with Umbria that preserves in the historical center the signs of past noble which Piero della Francesca belonged: the Museum preserves the famous “Resurrection”, the “Madonna of the Mercy” and a bust of San Giuliano.

You continues for Città di Castello, ancient umbrian installation, where visit the Pinacoteca ComunaleCathedral with the attached Museum, the Church of San Domenico and San Francesco, the grandiose Palazzo Vitelli and the Palace of the Podestà. with artworks of Raffaello Signorelli and Ghirlandaio, the

In the trip back make a stop at Monterchi, where, in the Chapel of the Cemetery is a fresco (Madonna del Parto) of Piero della Francesca.